Charter Schools Vs. Public Schools: What You Need To Know

When you start looking at schools for your child, you may feel overwhelmed with all of the options. If you're leaning toward a public school, a charter school might be the right choice for your child. While charter schools share many similarities with public schools, they differ in several key ways.

Funding and Costs

Both charter schools and public schools receive their funding through government funds. Public schools get the majority of their funding through state and local taxes. Charter schools are also government-funded, but they receive funding on a per-student basis. Some charter schools also receive private funding or qualify for grants.

Public schools and charter schools are both free for students to attend, so families don't have to pay for their child to attend a charter school like they do for private school.


Public schools are heavily regulated by state school board laws and regulations. Local school board members are elected to implement these regulations for public schools. Charter schools are more independent. They draw up their own rules, regulations, and performance standards for students. Charter schools must meet the standards they set in order to continue to get funding. 


Most charter schools are only able to take a certain number of students a year. Because they are still free schools available to the public, charter schools aren't allowed to require exams or tests for admission the way private schools are. 

While any student living in the district can attend a public school by simply enrolling, charter schools usually require an application to start the enrollment process. If more students apply than the number the charter school can take on for the upcoming school year, they will usually have a lottery to determine which students can continue the enrollment process and attend the school.


One of the advantages many parents and students feel charter schools have over public schools is the flexibility charters have with their curriculum. Public schools use a curriculum that's chosen and approved by the state education board. That curriculum is then implemented by the school district.

Charter schools have more freedom to choose what curriculum will work best for students. They must still meet performance standards laid out in their performance contracts, but charter schools are not as boxed-in with certain curriculum choices for core subjects as public schools are. Charter school students do have to meet state testing requirements, just like public school students.

To learn more, contact your local charter school for a charter school enrollment package.

417 Words

About Me

Demystifying the World of Modern Education I remember staying at home when I was a young child until I entered kindergarten. However, when I had my first child as a working mother, I realized that it was a good idea to transfer my child from a standard daycare facility to a preschool after I learned how they differ. Preschools typically have teachers trained in early childhood education, while many daycare centers do not. However, I became overwhelmed with all of my local preschool options and had to learn about all of the various types of preschool education offered today before I made my final decision. I was very happy with my choice, because my little one is now thriving in her new preschool. I am now researching elementary school options. I am eager to share what I have learned, and am still learning, about child education with anyone who needs the advice on my new blog!



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